When it comes to improving your heart health, sometimes a little extra help can make all the difference. For Cheri Roberson, joining the American Heart Association’s “BetterU” Challenge helped her get started in the right direction. It provided a chance to get together with other women and discuss different wellness topics. That experience led her to the Weight Management Center at Wellington Regional Medical Center and then to the hospital’s weight-loss surgery program. “I made the best decision I ever made, to have gastric sleeve surgery.”
Since her procedure – and with a lot of hard work – she’s down 12 pant-sizes and 93 pounds. She’s feeling better, sleeping great, and has gotten back to healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, without medication.
As director of cardiovascular services at Wellington Regional, she works hard to promote heart health. She notes that diet and lifestyle are important, but so are genetics. “Heart disease doesn’t discriminate,” she says, noting that even people who look great and exercise every day may be at risk. “That’s why it’s important to get your yearly checkup,” she says.
The Weight Management Center
The Weight Management Center at Wellington Regional Medical Center is ready to get you on the road to better health and a healthier weight. We look forward to serving you with: physician-directed, personalized programs; a dedicated treatment team; exercise physiologist and fitness instruction; and nutrition management.
Learn more about weight-loss surgery >
Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to fi nd out if bariatric surgery is right for you.
Do you need a pacemaker or other heart device?
Electrophysiology services at Wellington Regional can provide life-changing care for patients with electrical problems of the heart, such as irregular or slow heartbeats, or poorly pumping hearts (heart failure). If a cardiac device is recommended, knowing what to expect is important. Here, electrophysiologist Marcelo Jimenez, MD, addresses key questions.
Do device implants involve a long hospital stay?
No, procedures are typically done under general anesthesia and most people go home within 24 hours.
Will my lifestyle be affected?
Depending on the kind of device you receive, your doctor can talk to you about certain activities you may need to avoid and what to expect. The goal is to help you get back to the activities you enjoy.
How is care changing and improving?
Advances in care are providing exciting opportunities to implant devices in a way that more closely mimics the body’s natural functioning. Also, better imaging, better lighting, less radiation and integration with electrical mapping can help to support the best possible outcomes and patient experience.