Wellington Regional Medical Center Reunites Palm Beach Fire Rescue Crew Member with Emergency Responder Colleagues and WRMC Physicians Who Helped Save His Life

WRMC hosted a “Call of the Quarter” celebration on Thursday, February 21 at 11:30 am to recognize Palm Beach County Fire Rescue and reunite a patient with the crew and hospital physicians and staff who cared for him.
This recognition was for the excellent job done by Palm Beach County Fire Rescue when they responded to a colleague who was an instructor during a training session at headquarters. He was pale and diaphoretic with crushing chest pressure and 10/10 pain. An EKG revealed ST segment elevation. The crew was proactive in transmitting EKG, initiating STEMI alert and transporting the patient to Wellington Regional Medical Center.
He was treated by Dr. Adam Bromberg, ED physician; Dr. Carlos Silva, critical care medicine physician; and the hospitalist team (Dr. Zanto and Dr. Houston). The cardiac catheterization was performed by Dr. Christopher Hawk, interventional cardiologist. The patient had a positive outcome and was discharged home.